It took nearly 7 days to reach Cape Verde. 2 days of proper sailing. 3 days of motoring. 2 days of slow sailing and half a day of proper downwind in 15 knots. Somethingh like that.

We were fishing with 2 lures and were able to loose both Mahi-mahi. First one just jumped out of water and unhooked. Another one got out when I was slowly pulling it out of water.

 Though I haven't made the same mistake with two tunas :)

I don't see anything special about Cape Verde. We have visited three islands so far and I don't know if I would like to come back. Most photos are on Instagram.

I'm gonna do some moaning. About the rudder. It is way more heavy now. Spanish people are so slow. And it seams that Rolnautic boatyard is making money from fixing rudders as it cost us A LOT!!!.

And I had to put waterproof epoxy primer, primocon and antifouling myself. Even I didn't bother to wake up during the night and to put coatings myself to speed up the things.
Finally I got to test it in stronger winds with higher waves and I am not happy about the balance at all... Shitty work, to be honest.

At the end we are doing some quick fixes and improvements, refilling supplies and probably on 30th of November of 1st of December will go offline towards Barbados ;)