
Who wants to go motor sailing? I don't! Riggers can start their work only from 16th of June. Tidal gates are until 19th. I really hope they will refit everything on time and pressure will be low enough to launch the boat into the water. Otherwise will have to wait for July for next tidal gates. And I can't leave marina till I will get new signed ownership certificate. And just had to order replacements for hatch catches. Both might arrive only in 2-3 weeks.


New liferaft, wind generator, outboard, solar panels are there. But still so much work to do, and to fit everything, and to pay for that... Got gas certificate. But after boiling a kettle of water it started to leak. It is only near the cooker but tested all connections with soapy water and no success. Another bill for professional services...

5 days onboard feels like two weeks. But probably it is that I am doing something constantly about 16 hours per day. Tomorrow is Saturday, but feels like a good day for polishing and waxing topsides :)