I went to checkout out how fast Ambersail 2 is (previously VO65 SCA) while Alka is resting in the US and I am back in the UK to earn some money.
1465 nautical miles in 4 and a half days. 50kt+ winds in the Bay of Biscay. Water hitting your face while helming like from a watering hose. Dolphin size tunas hunting and jumping out of water.
To be honest I prefer deliveries over regattas from now on because you get to steer those racing machines. In this case it was unforgettable as conditions were from 10 knots to 50 and it was so easy!
Though, bruises still remind me how important it is to be attached with a safety harness as some waves hit and push like you are just a feather no matter how hard you are holding.
My sailing will never be the same as it was before...