It was scary. But finally I was sailing! Got three guys to help me so it was pretty easy. Though America's Cup was happening and it was vert crowded but everything went well. Sailing in Solent and anchorage in Osbourne bay. 25nm in total.

Climbed up the mast to wd-40 wind speed roller (didn't help) because it doesn't spin in low wind while all other on other boats do. Also changed another VHF areal but the problem was in the cable (it was showing 2.1 ohms while should show 10k by specs). And wanted to be very smart and feed to lines for next time instead of one and it got tangled and stuck. Ended up without another areal on the mast and no feeding lines and detached plastic pipe with cables inside the mast. Will have to work a lot when the mast will be down next time.

Also finally got low wind and was able to put main sail back with all battens and reefing lines. Did everything myself. Felt like a big achievement.

Still plenty to fix and to do but next week leaving to Spain!